
A Note on Publishing with Narrative Light Press

As a small press publisher, Narrative Light Press highly values our relationships with our authors. We view our relationship with you as a partnership and work closely with you during the editorial process, in marketing strategies, and after the book is released. Here are some highlights of our partnership:

  • 10 complimentary author copies.
  • Further author copies are available at 50% list price plus shipping.
  • Net royalties of 20% on print and 30% on digital.
  • Guidance in building or growing your author platform for pre-launch and after.
  • eBook ARCs (Advance Review Copy) for pre-launch in your author platform network.
  • Targeted promotion.

What Narrative Light Press Publishes

Narrative Light Press publishes original formal narrative poetry that is book length in scope.

Formal in that the verse will have a distinguished meter, such as iambic pentameter. The verse may or may not rhyme.

Narrative in that it tells a story. A story has a beginning, middle, and end.

Book length in that, generally speaking, the manuscript is no less than 50 formatted pages of poetry.

We do not publish free verse poetry, translations, sexually explicit material, or works with offensive language.

We do not publish previously published material.

How to Submit

Unsolicited Submissions

Narrative Light Press accepts unsolicited submissions through the following process:

1. First send an email query to briefly describing the work. Give your best elevator pitch. We will respond promptly.

2. Once you are invited to submit, please send the following in one Word document:

    • A cover letter that includes the author’s name, contact information, and a brief synopsis of the work. Describe the author’s background and list any relevant publication credits.
    • The full manuscript.

Royalties and Advances

Net royalties:

  • 20% print
  • 30% digital

We do not offer advances at this time.